Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Chugging Right Along

Well I am now 23 weeks with twins, twin girls for that matter. The guys got to see their sweet little girls at the end of April and it was such a great moment. They are such great guys and are so ready for a family after 3 years of trying. They will be back at the end of July to wait for their little princesses arrival as I'm due September 5th, but you just never know with twins. I am doing good just feel huge and tired which is all par for a twin pregnancy. Girls are doing great, new house is going great, hubby is working A LOT, but doing great. Renter are a horrible mess and moving out ASAP as they cannot even keep up on mowing a lawn. So 3 out of 4 is not bad.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

It Is What We Thought It Was

OK so deep down inside I really do like the funny football quotes. Being a wife of a husband who is obsessed with football it is bound to rub off. Now on to the real news at hand...
Although the ultrasound tech lady was just having a bad day she did give me some info. The beans are measuring 6 weeks 4 days and 6 weeks 5 days, when I am 6 weeks 6 days and have heart beats in the 130s.

This is an all new ballgame for me, but I am hoping to do my best and give the guys 2 healthy babies. Morning/all day sickness is kicking my butt with two in there and it showed up a week early. I got my Zofran in had so I am holding up and trying to make sure I eat for 3, although hard, I have broken the meals into small but often.

More to come when we have another ultrasound, but for now great news!!!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Life Full Speed Ahead

Where to start??

The kids are doing great. Ariel got straight As for her first semester in 6th grade. Samm now has a boyfriend so she is distracted to say the least, but she wouldn't be 15 if it happens once in a while, and Alexya is just trudging along at average. I have such a great trio of girls with such different personalities, but that is what makes them great!!!

On the surrogacy front, my numbers were down by mid-November so we got started right away. AF at the beginning of December and away we went. Everything went along very smoothly.
So with some IM progesterone and IM delestrogen...
3 frozen little totcicles
And of course the fertility fries...
We got these...BFP.
We are currently 5 weeks 1 day. On 10dp5dt BETA was 406 and on 16dp5dt BETA was 6145. We won't know how many little beans until ultrasound on the 17th, when we will be 6 weeks 6 days so we should see a heartbeat or two.

And this is the house we bought. It is a 5 bedroom, 3 bath, 2200 sq ft house, with a built in pool and a barn on 6 acres in Red Bluff. We got it for the purchase price of $112,000 and after $8,000 worth of work we are financing just $116,500. We get the keys in just 15 days on the 20th of this month. Needless to say Christmas was light and we told the girls get to have their own rooms and get to pick their paint.
Overall life is just going great. Next update is ultrasound and the move!!!

Monday, October 31, 2011


OK so I just remembered about this blog. I had really just crawled within my own self pity for a while.

Kids are doing great. All are at 3 different schools, so that is a bit more driving, but I am in the country, driving is a part of life.

Surrogacy has had some bumps. We had a transfer in September and it was an ectopic. I had 2 rounds of Methotrexate and my numbers finally went down. I have hopefully only one more blood test this week and then we will have a direction. I am thinking it will be a January transfer, but you never know if this world if uncertainty. I did get to meet my IFs, which was amazing. They are great guys and I know I made a great choice in helping them have a family. I have just been taking the time to just get my weight back down and stay positive for the future. Oh and riding my horse in this great weather.

Also we are putting a bid on a house. An awesome house. More info when and if we move forward.

Happy Halloween!!!!

Monday, July 11, 2011

A Little Update

Things are just trucking along. I have been trying to keep busy. Greg's brother was here and they had a great time visiting. He was such a good uncle and played games and went swimming with them. The girls had their first horse show of the year, as all the others were cancelled due to the horse equine virus that was going around. Here are the girls with the horses.

We are starting to introduce Monkey to the shows and he is doing great. When Samm comes back for the summer she will start to work with him more so he will be ready to actually show in the riding events.

Things are moving along with the surrogacy. Guys got the contract and are signing today. ED goes into the clinic on Thursday. It looks as though we are still on for a late August transfer. I am just worried as I have no meds and hate to put pressure on the pharmacy and mail system to get things here in a timely manner. Well now is the waiting part again. I hope to hear more news on Thursday.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

New Journey

Well how life has changed in just 4 short months. Kids are on summer break, went and visited with Caleb and his parents, my first IPs are moving back to California (just 45 minutes from my second IPs), and I am starting another surrogacy. I know, I know, I didn't know what my plan was, but now I am so happy I decided to do another one, and only one more. I think 5 babies is more then enough for me and my body.

They are a great set of IFs from London. They have been through a rough patch with past surrogates, so I am hoping to renew their faith and give them a bundle of joy or two to snuggle. We just finished contracts, actually just yesterday I sent off the contract for them to sign, so it is officially official. The ED stuff is coming along for the fresh transfer in August, so it is exciting. I am hoping to get a calendar soon and be able to have a concrete date.

I have to say I am forever grateful for what surrogacy has brought to my life. I don't think it defines me, but it most certainly a part of me. I love the families I have helped. I will make sure to keep up on the blog now that I have a little something to talk about.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Caleb and beyond

40 weeks 4 days
39 weeks 3 days
38 weeks 5 days

And here is Mr. Caleb Ian. He was born February 21st (Yep at 41 weeks) at 10:51 pm. He weighed 9 lbs 10 oz. and was 21 inches long. He was not very cooperative in the beginning, but he came out in only 2 pushes. Again he was purple per his very quick entrance, but as you can see he was pinking up by the next day.
The next day
The next day
The proud parents, me, and Caleb
Me holding Caleb after his parents got there snuggles. It was amazing that he was actually looking at me.
I am so grateful to have been a part of this family. I know that they are great parents and are going to spoil the heck out of this big little boy. He is already the light of their lives and has daddy and mommy wrapped around his pinky toe. I don't know if I will ever be apart of another surrogacy, but I know that I have helped two deserving families and for that I am fulfilled.

I pumped for Caleb for about 6 weeks and sent it down south and although the first 70 ounces didn't make it frozen, I sent them another two shipments equalling 250 ounces and they are slowly giving him that and I believe that it is helping as he has yet to even get a sniffle.

In other news, the girls are back in school, had a rough patch with the hubby (all better now, actually a lot better), back down to a size 16/18, and looking for a job. Also I'm looking into doing an egg donation. I still want to be able to help families and this is a great way to still know the joy of helping. I love seeing the look on a new parents face holding their little one for the first time. It is such a priceless moment for me.

So looking forward to moving forward, where ever that may lead me.